Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fourth grade clay!

Goofy Bronson!

Great job Nick!

Nice piggy Triana!

Paige and her close-up!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Long lost

So, I know it has been a really long time since I posted any updates.  We were so busy doing clay and working on starting the mural that I have been a big slacker as a photographer.  I apologize.  In my defense, with the growing belly, I am moving a lot slower these days too! 
In both 3rd and 4th grade, we made a clay project.  Most of them have made their way out of the kiln for the second time.  Third grade got to see their finished projects today.  It is always exciting to see how your work looks when it comes out of the kiln!

They did a really great job.  I am always impressed with what this great group of kids can create!

We also starting working on our mural today.  A few weeks ago, we started creating sketches.  The students voted on their favorite design.  The winning design was by David P. in 4th grade.  David has been working on sketching his design on a piece of plywood that we covered with gessoed canvas.  Today, half of the 3rd grade art club worked on painting the stripes in the background while everyone else was working on origami.

This is going to be a slow process, but I can't wait to see how it looks in the end!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Scratch Art and Clay

Over that last few weeks, we have been working on clay in art class.  The art room is never as messy as it is when we do clay! So, finishing up our art club projects were a bit of a challenge.  Fourth grade finished up their scratch art on the floor (tables were too messy!).  Here are a few photos:

 After finishing up the projects we already started, the students made a small project out of clay.  Third grade made an assortment of small pots and other ceramic goodies and fourth grade made some awesome animal pots.  I only have a few photos now.  I can't wait to post what they will look like after the glaze firing!

Friday, January 27, 2012


Art club students and parents!  I just realized that if I changed a setting on the blog, that anyone can comment even if you don't have a google account.  So, please comment away (school appropriate, of course!).  It should work for anyone now.  Let art club know what you think of their work!

3-D Snowflakes by Third Grade

Since coming back from Christmas break, I seem to have forgotten how to use my camera! ;)  I keep forgetting to take pictures during art club.  I think it just because we have been so busy. 
My busy new group of fabulous third graders have been working diligently on 3-D snowflakes.  We watched a video on youtube and then set to work.  We discovered they weren't quite as easy as they looked, but that was partly because we used art paper.  These lovely snowflakes would have been much easier if we used thin copy paper.  Lesson learned! 
We just finished these up to today and I hung them in the school between the computer lab and the library.  They are already wowing the teachers and students walking by.  Well done third grade art clubbers!

Next up, clay.  We will see if I can remember to use my camera on those days!