Currently in the art room,
Kindergarten is working on creating winter trees. We are learning about color mixing to make our green paint. We will be cutting out our trees to make a collaged image. The final step will be adding in snow!
First grade is working on creating winter landscapes. We watched a video about Grandma Moses and talked about her landscape paintings. We are working on creating a collaged landscape using the cool colors. We will be adding in objects and talking about the relative size of objects in space. Our final step will be adding in snow!
Second grade is learning about Vincent van Gogh and still-lifes. We read the book Camille and the Sunflowers and looked at work by van Gogh. We are currently sketching our sunflower still life. Soon, we will trace our still life with Sharpies and begin painting them. I hope to have these finished before Christmas break, but they always take longer than expected. However, they are usually very impressive when they are done!
Third through Sixth are continuing their studio work. We recently opened the painting station and the students are learning a variety of painting techniques. Since the end of the trimester is quickly approaching, many students are handing in WOW pieces. Our WOW pieces include an artist statement. Many students have been furiously working on typing their artist statements during the last few classes!
If you stop by Leib, please take the time to look at the art hanging around our school. Many of the students's WOW pieces are hanging up around our building, as well as kindergarten's fall trees, first grade's texture paintings and second grade's Mondrian art.
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