Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Make your voice heard- support arts education in our schools!

“The arts are a major area of human cognition, one of the ways in which we know about the world and express our knowledge. Much of what is said in the arts cannot be said in another way. To withhold artistic means of understanding is as much a malpractice as to withhold mathematics… Since schools traditionally develop only linguistic and logical/mathematical skills, they are missing an enormous opportunity to develop the whole child.”
~Dr. Howard Gardner, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Recent studio work- busy, busy artists!

Our most recent station to open was Architecture!  Students have been busy making plans and creating structures from their plans.  Architecture is a great way to learn planning and problem solving skills!  Many students are also still working in sculpture and inventor's workshop, as well as drawing.  Students love being able to choose their own media for their design ideas!

Falling for foreshortening!

Fifth grade has been working on self-portraits that display foreshortening! 
I love how imaginative the backgrounds are in these portraits. What would you want to fall in to?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Solar System Mural

Please click on the link to look at our feature in the Spring PAEA Newsletter! They have featured our solar system mural. So exciting! Awesome work fourth grade!

6th Grade Artist Reports

Sixth graders have been working on a report of an artist. Students selected an artist to study from a collection of books (thanks Mrs. Kunkle and Mrs. Blackwell for pulling the books for us!). 
Students then filled out a packet of information about their artist, created a portrait of their artist, and did copies of two of their famous works of art. Creating copies of other artists work is a long standing art tradition. Artists learn by carefully examine the art work of others! 
Our final step was to cut out our report and place it on a paper cube. Building the cubes has proved to be a challenge for many of the students, but we learn the most from those challenging tasks! 
The sixth graders are doing a great job with their artist reports. I can't until they are all done and they get to share them with each other!

Are you art smART?

Artists' Brains Have More 'Grey Matter' Than The Rest Of Ours, Study Finds

This article links art with increased grey matter and brain activity.  More support for why art needs to be part of our lives.  A tiny bit of exposure is not enough!

Art & the Brain

Art and The Brain

Envirothon Hats!

I have been working with the Envirothon team before school and over lunch to help them create some super snakes and quiet quail hats! This hat challenge is always an interesting project. I have to figure out how to make a hat that represents their animal, is easy to make in a limited time frame, and is water proof (in case of rain on Envirothon day)! I love seeing the students wearing the finished project. 
Today, the Environthon team goes off to the competition! Good luck Envirothon team! I hope your hats make it through the day.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Support the Arts!

We cannot provide an environment that fosters our students' true passions if we do not place a high value on arts education. Arts education does not just teach about art or music or drama. Arts education teaches valuable 21st century skills, like collaboration, problem-solving, and creativity. When we cut arts education, we are cutting away at providing an education that educates the whole child.

Gyotaku- the Art of Japanese Fish Printing

Second grade is learning about Gyotaku. This lesson incorporates learning how to do printmaking, how to make a watercolor painting with salt, using contrasting color temperature (warm vs cool), and a little art history. There is always so much more to lesson than what meets the eye!
The end result is a fabulous piece of art and a fantastic learning experience!